For this day...

I have known it before in other areas, but now I am realizing it is includes everything. I have known that for each new day I need to come and pray, and receive strength and wisdom and insight from the LORD. I cannot rely on yesterday's insight, or past wisdom. Oh yes, the lessons from the past will be useful still, but they must come of a fresh, living, and daily renewed spring of life.

But only a couple of days ago did it sink in in relation to another lesson I am learning. I also need His love each day. Each day I must come to Him and ask and pray for the love He has for others to fill my heart anew, for I find, I cannot love on my own.

Actually, it is not about each day, it is needed each moment. Moving it to each day thinking and prayer, helps move me more to each moment abiding...

So, LORD, in this day, for this day--I ask You to lead and guide. May may heart, my spirit, be completely open to, filled with, and led by Yours! For those You have given me--thank You. Thank you for [each one named], bless them LORD. And ... love...may I see each one and love each one the way You do. I loved them last week...several times I saw my heart--hardness, criticism, memories of past faults--with the potential to not love, and brought it to You. Last week I loved. Last week I You poured out Your love in my heart by Your Spirit. Today, again, I ask for Your love to fill me. In Jesus' name I ask. Thank You. You hear, You will do what I have asked in Jesus' name.

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