First Things

Some things, if they are to happen at all, must be done FIRST THING in the morning. Maybe this seems like it is going to be a post about time morning time with the LORD, but it's not! That one, I already know it needs to happen right away in the morning--before work, before meeting the distractions of the day.

But now I'm realizing, I also need to put exercise into that time slot. This soul, this spirit, this person, is housed in a BODY that is all too often neglected. I get so busy, and working too many hours, and then lethargic. Exercise happens less and less, and with that--more lethargy, and even longer hours as it seems I don't have the mental energy to make the good decisions for the rest of the time.

I don't want the quiet time to be short-changed, but more exercise might help my mind to be alert at that time too. Two days ago I popped in my Walk At Home DVD with the sound turned low, and listened to my daily reading portion at the same time. I didn't focus real well, but there were other factors at work too. I can definitely work at doing both at the same time.  

In any I go. Up for a bit of a workout first thing tomorrow morning, and then the morning after that. 

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