Strong enough

I must be pretty strong then
Some people say I am
I don't feel very strong
Pretty weak
Pretty lost
Pretty helpless
Not strong

But You have made me
Strong enough
Resilient enough

I have survived
I'm still here
I still have hope
And dreams yet to fulfill

How does it go?
"Hard pressed...
But not crushed
But not in despair
But not abandoned
Struck down
But not destroyed"

I don't feel strong
But You have made me
Strong enough


What do You want with me LORD?
What's next?

I see no path getting easier
I see no lighter load

With tears streaming down my face
I want no other road

There is something up ahead
Something that will make it worth it
You do not promise ease
Or comfort
Or even that I'll know I'm on the right path

Only that You will be with me
And make me
Strong enough

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