Oh little boy...

Oh little boy
I love to see
Every time your mommy posts
So full of life
and joy
your face
always so

For you
Life is good
You know love
Every day
you soak
You bask
In the love and joy others have for you
And turn it right back
The world is here to bless you
To help you grow
To bring you joy

There is no fear of pain on your face
There is no holding back
No suspicion
No doubting of motives
No wondering if there is something else
After the fun and the joy

I love to see your face
Yet I cringe
Someday you will start to taste
Another side
You'll find
Life is not always good
Sometimes you expect the good
and get slapped across the face
Sometimes, it's hard to hope
hard to be so

What will happen then
Will you lose your joy
Will your face fall
Will you carry a protective layer
Will your eyes harbour suspicion
If that happpens
You will have lost so much

There is a truth you know deep down now
May you know it deep down then too
You can hope
There is good
You are safe
You are loved
Now your parents show you
But soon even they won't be able to
Then may your Father know you
And may you know Him
And trust Him
In spite of the pain
And possible disappointments

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