The Anthurium--a metaphor for my life right now

It's ugly
Not adding beauty
Something has happened
The shock to the system led to a 'cutting off'
All that seemed beautiful and flourishing
for a time

and rest
and space
and the life within that will not be denied

I can see evidence of it now
That life
New life, pushing it's way up

You will be beautiful again
You will flourish


It's an anthurium
Pretty ugly looking, right?
I bought it about a month ago
Wanted a plant
Wanted some beauty
In my new place reminds me of a good friend
She bought me one a few years ago.
I had it in my place in PT

It WAS pretty, lots of flowers
But it was -16 C outside 
And the trip to the car and then into the house...
Caused damage
I ended cutting off all the stuff that was dying
the browning flowers and leaves
Only those two little ones at the bottom survived.

Now, a month later, there are signs of new life
three new leaves
It's ugly now
You can see it's suffered a blow
Still recovering
But there is life there
Life that will not be denied
And someday
It will be full and flourishing again

(Written Apr. 9, 2019, published Aug., 2019. That plant has, actually, completely and fully died now. I have more hope, however, for my own flourishing. 😊)

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