Is this You speaking, somehow
into my life at this point
fanning into flame
this renewed hope
renewed faith
renewed trust
Is this You affirming
somehow reaching down to reassure
"yes, you do hear from Me.
yes, I am using you."
so that I will have courage
and faith
to go forward
in all those areas where I don't see a thing
but have only vague impressions
vague hopes
This is what I sense
and so I say, "Thank You"
Thank You for the reassurance
Thank You for the affirmation
Thank You for blowing me away once again
Thank You
for moving my heart for the kids
for showing the place of connection
for giving words, to me
that connected with what You are doing, in them
leaving us all clear, that this is it
this is the crucial point,
for their going forward
for their growth
You're blowing me away again, You know
that You would use me
in their lives
it's like Naaman's servant girl
or Balam's donkey
but I'll take it
deep down
it's what I want most of all
my life used by You
participating in Your great purposes
may I be yielded
and hearing
more and more
do it, Lord
Your good thing
far beyond anything
I could ask or imagine