Silence and Solitude

Today I am aiming for more solitude and silence, but not very sure what I am doing, not much sure what a "successful" result will be, what the final picture will look like. I'm taking my meals and eating alone--otherwise I will so easily and deeply engage with all the interesting people at the table. But...if it is solitude I want, what am I doing online, 'connecting' through the web? And what am I doing writing--sure, no audio, but voicing thoughts.

I hardly know what silence and solitude should look like, and my mind is so full of ideas and so easily distracted that it is hard work to get there. And, I'm not even sure what the result will be. But I am here. I will limit my internet use. And as for the result, I trust the words of those more experience than I.  

In Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership Ruth Haley Barton says, 

Solitude will do its good work whether we know what we are doing or not. One of the primary functions of solitude is to settle ourselves in God's presence. This is not easy and it takes time. But it is the answer to the heart cry that erupts when we have been distracted for too long by surface concerns. 'I have lost myself!' we cry. Solitude is the only way to find ourselves again. And the longer we have been lost to ourselves, caught up with external stimulation, the longer it takes to find our way home again. (p. 41)

...we need to be careful of ourselves and our expectations. Most of what happens in solitude is happening under the surface, and God is doing it. Just as most of what's happening in the ocean is under the surface and most of what's happening to a seed in winter is under the earth, so the most important stuff that is happening to the human soul in solitude is happening under the surface, where only God knows about it. (pp 41-42) 

...solitude, that place where God is at work beyond what we are able to do for ourselves or would even know how to do for ourselves. (p. 43)

So...I'm here LORD, it's an attempt at solitude...actually, this whole vacation time is a pulling away from the usual distractions, to settle myself in Your presence. Please, do Your work O God. Do something real, something needed, something real important...even if I am unaware.

What about you? Do you practise times of silence and solitude? What has been your experience? What kind of struggles did you have in the process? Rewards of the practise?

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